Women's Leadership Warwick ($15.00)

Using your power and influence to make progress on what matters most

CWA Tea Rooms, 76 Grafton Street, Warwick 8:45 am - 13:00 pm

Thanks to the Warwick Chamber of Commerce, I’m able to deliver a second workshop. We will pull apart a traditional leadership style: Coercive Leadership (as per Daniel Goleman’s work). Consider the how and why, the benefits and limitations of this style of leadership. This will be an opportunity to consider real life scenarios, to workshop how you might respond to coercive tactics and how and when you might use them to make progress on what matter’s most.




This event is supported and enabled by the National Rural Women’s Coalition who provide a collaborative voice for women living in rural, remote and regional Australia. Their training and support has enabled me to create this opportunity for women in my community. Their leadership courses are deeply inspiring and have been life changing for me. Learn more about them here.

The Warwick Chamber of Commerce is partnering with me to deliver this workshop in Warwick and the CWA Tea Rooms on a cost neutral basis. The modest fee covers the room hire, morning tea, a door prize and some special treats for participants. Don’t miss it!


What is it? Always great to start with a healthy definition:
The practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats.

Coercive Leadership

What is it? What are its strengths? What are its weaknesses? When should we use it? When/how does it fall short?

Scenario: Using coercive leadership

We'll break into groups and consider real life scenarios. Applying coercive practise and considering alternatives.

Scenario: How to respond to coercive style

We'll break into groups and workshop ideas inspired by real life experiences. We'll explore possible solutions together.

Come with an open heart to share and learn from each other.
Morning Tea provided.
Take time out to consider WHAT MATTERS MOST.

Event Running Sheet

9:00 – Consider coercive leadership as a style, drawing from Daniel Goleman’s work and experiences in the group. Theory.
10:00 – Morning Tea
10:20 – break into groups: scenarios – using coercion
11:00 – share insights
11:20 – break into groups: scenarios – responding to coercion
12:00 – share insights
12:45 – Short survey / Lucky Door Prize
13:00 – Workshop ends


Your contribution of $15.00 will cover morning tea, a lucky door prize and special treat for participants.

Use the button below to secure your spot.