
Is it a strength or a weakness?

Spring Creek Station, 1:45 pm

We all like to avoid being vulnerable. But are there some hidden truths around vulnerability we might benefit from understanding?

Brene Brown believes so in her Ted talk here.

How does vulnerability relate to trust? Is it important in interpersonal relationships?




Spectrum of Vulnerabilitiy

Examples of times we experience vulnerability:

  • nakedness,
  • being overpowered,
  • performing a new task or activity,
  • sharing a secret, 
  • loving someone,
  • seeking something from someone and it isn’t returned,
  • when change occurs,
  • sharing ideas that might not be reciprocated
  • sharing creative output


Do women find it easier to be vulnerable?

Why is this so?

Is there a primordial route to men avoiding being vulnerable?


Should we consider vulnerability within different social contexts?

Do we lie to conceal vulnerabilities? Should we?


Can a close relationship function well without vulnerability?

What is the relationship between trust and vulnerability?


Protecting vulnerabilities

When we feel vulnerable, does it trigger defensive behaviour?

Is this positive or negative?

Event Running Sheet

1:45 – Arrive and share a tea/coffee/wine and a quick chat
2:00 – Introductions and checkin on rules of engagement
2:10 – The scope of vulnerability
2:20 – Free-form conversation.
3:55 – Check in for next event
4:00 – Finish formalities, group to enjoy refreshments as travel commitment allows