Mel will take us deep into Facebook privacy and security. This is an area you need to check frequently as Facebook is constantly developing the options available.
Bring a pen and paper to assist with your recall.
Mel will take us under the hood of browser security.
Mel will cover
- ad blockers
- authentication options
- credit card data management
- advertising / marketing options
- benefits/dis-benefits of different types of browsers
Managing our ever increasing Password list is a nightmare we all share. We'll spend some time sharing what strategies we each use to manage and remember important passwords.
How to manage emails
Mel will share her tips on how to manage the growing number of emails we are being bombarded with in our inboxes. But we will open up discussion so that we can all contribute our ideas.
Event Schedule
1:45 – Arrive and share a tea/coffee/wine and a quick chat 2:10 – Introductions and checkin on rules of engagement 2:15 – What do you want to get out of the day? Round Robin 2:30 – Introduce Mel Tesch 2:35 – Browsers 3:00 – Social Media security settings 3:20 – Password Management 3:40 – Email Management 3:55 – Check in next event 4:00 – Finish formalities, group to enjoy refreshments as travel commitment allows