Margôt Tesch
Hi, I’m Margôt Tesch and my goal to help facilitate deep and meaningful conversations without judgement. This is an opportunity for me to develop my facilitation skills and to create a safe space for women to share their heart-felt ideas.
Our Focus, Goals and Vision
Rural Women in Conversation is the brain child of Margôt Tesch. In 2017 she woke up one day and realised she was missing something in her life … enriching, stimulating conversations! She partnered with her good friend and fellow-intellectual tragic, Dinie Ferrier, to start something new. Thus Rural Women in Conversation was born.
The Focus
Margôt and Dinie wanted to create a safe space for rural women to gather and explore topics in-depth. The forums are set quarterly to limit the need for travel. We plan ahead each year so women can mark their calendars, planning other events around where possible.
The Goal
The Goal of Rural Women in Conversation has several aspects. As well as drawing women together to explore ideas, it also creates a social opportunity. It provides a mechanism for women who already might know each other, to connect in new and meaningful ways. No event is complete without nibbles and a glass of wine … or two.
The Vision
The vision of Rural Women in Conversation is to have participants walk away from every event with new ideas/perspectives to ponder and consider. This in turn has the potential to spawn new conversations in other forums.
For this to happen Margôt needs to hone her facilitation skills. She also loves the challenge of researching the ideas before-hand in an effort to map the elements needed for robust discussion.